HUANG, Jia-Ping

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Welcome to the website of Jia-Ping HUANG!

I am a lecturer at Shenzhen University, China. I have been granted a degree of PhD in Engineering from University of Tsukuba, Japan, and a degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEWEB) of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU University Amsterdam), the Netherlands. My current research interests include, but are not limited to,

  • cooperative game theory,
  • social and economic networks,
  • mathematical economics.

More information about me can be found in the Curriculum Vitae page.


  • 合作博弈理论
  • 社会网络和经济网络
  • 数理经济学

想了解更多信息请参考 Curriculum Vitae 部分。

如果你是学生,在考虑是否选我为导师,请先阅读 Supervision 部分。


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